
Welcome to IsoTown!


Isopods are fascinating creatures that make great pets and are perfect for nature enthusiasts and hobbyists. Additionally, isopods make great feeder treats for reptiles and amphibians, and they assist in the garden by aerating the soil for plants and other creatures.

At Misfit Farms, our creatures live better than most humans. Our isopods are bred in a controlled environment, ensuring their health and well-being. Moreover, the pods of IsoTown are gut loaded with only the best organic foods, many of which are OMRI certified.

As if that weren’t enough, our isopods also enjoy a rotating schedule of darkness and light to simulate their natural environment. They are kept at a toasty temperature of 75 to 80 degrees at all times and get regular “rain shower” misting. Enclosures are checked daily, and the landscape is mixed up weekly to ensure our pods stay stimulated and remain at peak breeding potential.

All this quality time spent with our isopods has given us a thorough understanding of their husbandry, uses, and needs. There are over 5000 species of land-dwelling isopods, and the information can be daunting, so we decide to gather all of our research on these feisty invertebrates to share with you in one place.

Check out our IsoCrabby Blog for helpful and often entertaining articles, and scroll on to read species-specific information. We focus largely on the species that are recognized by the USDA since these are the ones we keep and sell, but you will occasionally find tidbits about more unique species as well (Armadillidium Gestroi, for example). Click each name to read a PDF document on the species. If the name is not blue, this means we have not added the info page yet, so please check back! And when you are ready to buy some isopods of your own, see their shop page here!

**Some of the links you will click (buy now, click this link, etc.) take you to websites other than our own that we partner with as affiliates. If you purchase a product from one of our links, we may get a small commission, but this does not affect our opinions of the products we promote.** Read more here.

Happy Halloween from IsoTown!



  • Armadillidium Gestroi
  • Armadillidium Granulatum
  • Armadillidium Klugii
  • Armadillidium Maculatum “High White”
  • Armadillidium Maculatum “Brown Zebra”
  • Armadillidium Maculatum
  • Armadillidium Nasatum
  • Armadillidium Perraccae
  • Armadillidium vulgare ‘’Saint Lucia’’
  • Armadillidium Vulgare ‘’Magic potion’’
  • Armadillidium Vulgare Wild

Cubaris Common

  • Cubaris sp. Little Sea
  • Cubaris sp. “Pak Chong”
  • Cubaris sp. “Panda King”
  • Cubaris sp. “Panda King” (Red)
  • Cubaris sp. “Rubber Ducky”
  • Cubaris sp. “White Ducky”

Cubaris Rare

  • Cubaris sp. Ammonia
  • Cubaris sp. Blue Pigeon
  • Cubaris sp. “Caramel Ducky’’
  • Cubaris sp. ‘’Dark Phipun’’
  • Cubaris sp. ‘’Diamond tiger’’
  • Cubaris sp. ‘’Darth Vader’’
  • Cubaris sp. ‘’Emperor Bee’’
  • Cubaris sp.’’Happy nun’’
  • Cubaris sp. ‘’Honey Firefly’’
  • Cubaris sp. ‘’Holy-light Firefly’’
  • Cubaris sp. Iriomentis
  • Cubaris sp. ‘’Mandarin Ducky’’
  • Cubaris sp. ‘’Melon Tiger’’

Other Common

  • Armadillo Officinalis
  • Atlantoscia
  • Cylisticus Convexus
  • Isopoda sp. “Spiny Hedgehog”
  • Rhyscotus Texensis
  • Trachelipis Rathkii
  • Trichoniscus Pusillus
  • Trichoniscidae sp. “Dwarf Purple” 
  • Trichorhina Tomentosa “Dwarf White”


  • Porcellio Bolivari
  • Porcellio Expansus
  • Porcellio Expansus “Orange”
  • Porcellio Haasi “High Yellow”
  • Porcellio Hoffmannseggii
  • Porcellio Laevis “Dairy Cow”
  • Porcellio Laevis “How Now”
  • Porcellio Laevis “Orange”
  • Porcellio Laevis Wild “Swift”
  • Porcellio Magnificus
  • Porcellio Ornatus “High Yellow”
  • Porecellio Scaber Red Calico
  • Porcellio Scaber “Lava”
  • Porcellio Scaber Lemonade
  • Porcellio Scaber “Orange”
  • Porcellio Sevilla
  • Porcellio Sevilla Caramel
  • Porcellio Werneri


  • Porcellionides Pruinosus ‘’Orange Cream’’
  • Porcellionides Pruinosus ‘’Orange Dalmation’’
  • Porcellionides Pruinosus ‘’Oreo Crumble’’
  • Porcellionides Pruinosus “Powder Blue”
  • Porcellionides Pruinosus ‘’Powder Caramel’’
  • Porcellionides Pruinosus ‘’Powder Orange’’
  • Porcellionides Pruinosus ‘’Red Koi’’
  • Porcellionides Pruinosus ‘’White Out’’
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