Social Media

Social Media

Let’s Get Social!

It seems as though no matter how far away you get from civilization, technology and social media are still required if you ever hope to get your name and your products out to the world. Gone are the days of the intrusive yellow-page ads or the strategically placed newspaper classified that puts you right next to the tombstone dealer. (I was on a budget!)

In the modern world, you must set up shop on 57 different channels to reach all your potential customers. As if that wasn’t enough, you must also beg for likes and subscribers and remind folks to “hit that bell” so they don’t miss a second of someone’s mundane life…

Since I get up with the rooster and go to sleep with the hens, I had to limit the social media madness to just eight sites. (ha) In the following links, you can click on each site individually or click on our “Linktree,” which lists all of our social media in one tidy place.

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